How to Use a Watering Can as a Bidet

13 Easy Steps Guides on How to Use a Watering Can as a Bidet

If you find yourself without access to a bidet but still want the benefits of personal hygiene, using a watering can or lota (as some may call it) as a makeshift bidet can be a viable alternative. While it may not offer the same features as a dedicated bidet, a watering can or toilet wash jug provide a basic cleansing experience. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process on how to use a watering can as a bidet effortlessly. Let’s begin!

Things You Need

  1. Watering Can (Also known as lota or toilet wash jug)
  2. Water
  3. Soap (optional)
  4. Bidet towel

Step-by-step Guide on How to Use a Watering Can as a Bidet

Choose a suitable watering can

Select a watering can that is clean and specifically designated for this purpose. You won’t be using it for any other purpose like watering the flower or any other related purpose because it will only be for your toilet. Ideally, opting for a small or medium-sized watering can with a narrow spout would be best, as it allows for better control and precision during use. Ensure the watering can is thoroughly cleaned before using it as a bidet.

Step 1: Wipe first (optional)

Although this is optional, I recommend wiping the solid feces off your private area first with a tissue before proceeding to use a bidet lota or watering can. If you pee and don’t poop, then there’s no need to first wipe with tissue; proceed to use the watering can.

Step 2: Fill with water

Fill the watering can with warm water. You can either use water from a sink or warm tap water. The temperature should be comfortable and not too hot to avoid scalding or discomfort during use. Fill the watering can to a level that is easy to handle and provides adequate water for cleansing. You can also choose to fill it with cold water, provided you’re comfortable with the water temperature.

Step 3: Find a suitable location

Identify a suitable location in your bathroom where you can comfortably position yourself for the cleansing process. This could be while sitting on your toilet or squatting in your shower room or garden. Ensure you have enough space and privacy for the task.

Step 4: Position yourself correctly

Position yourself over the designated area, whether sitting on your toilet or squatting in your shower room or garden. Make sure you are comfortable and in a stable position throughout the process.

Step 5: Hold the watering can securely

Grasp the watering can handle firmly with one hand (preferably your right hand if you’re righthanded or left if you’re lefthanded). Ensuring a secure grip, hold the can in a way that allows you to control the water flow easily.

Step 6: Direct the water stream

As a woman, to wash your front area, position the spout of the watering can between your legs, aiming it towards the desired area for cleansing. Maintain a moderate distance to ensure proper coverage and prevent excessive water pressure.

While for men and women, to wash your rear area, position the spout of the watering can behind your rear to reach your rear area and aim it towards the desired area for cleansing.

Step 7: Initiate the water flow

Gradually pour water from the watering can, allowing a gentle stream to flow over the desired area. Begin with a small amount of water and adjust the flow as needed to ensure thorough cleansing without discomfort.

Step 8: Control the water pressure

Adjust the tilt and angle of the watering can to regulate the water pressure. Tipping the spout slightly higher will reduce the pressure while lowering it will increase the force. Experiment with different angles until you find a comfortable and effective water pressure.

Step 9 Use your hand (optional)

You can choose to use your free hand to assist in the washing process, although this is optional. Using your free hand to wash while the water runs on your private area helps remove debris faster. Some people may consider this unhygienic, while some don’t see it that way. The key is to wash your hands thoroughly before and after the process.

Step 10: Cleanse and rinse

Move the watering can in a back-and-forth or circular motion to ensure complete cleansing, whether or not you use your hands. Take your time and be thorough. 

Step 11: Use soap (optional)

If desired, apply a small amount of mild soap to your free hand and gently cleanse the area while the water flows. Be mindful of the soap’s ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals that may cause irritation.

Step 12: Dry off

After completing the cleansing process, gently pat the area dry with a clean bidet towel or use toilet paper to remove excess moisture. Ensure that the area is adequately dried to maintain hygiene. Remember, this towel shouldn’t be for the body, hands, or face but a dedicated towel meant for drying privately early.

Step 13: Clean and store the watering can

After each use, clean the watering can thoroughly with warm water and mild soap to maintain hygiene. Rinse it well to remove any soap residue, and allow it to dry completely before storing it in a clean, dry area.

Step 14: Wash your hands

Finally, wash your hands with soap after the whole process, whether you used your hand to assist in the washing process or not.

How Much Water Does a Lota Hold?

The amount of water your lota can hold varies according to size and construction. Some lotas are larger and can store more water, while others are smaller and can only hold little water. Traditionally, a lota can typically carry half a liter (approximately two cups) to a liter (about four cups) of water. This is more than the amount of water some portable bidets can hold.

Also, it’s important to know that the amount of water required for cleanliness varies from person to person and is determined by personal preference. Some people prefer to use more water for a thorough cleaning, while others prefer to use less.

Is Using a Lota Hygienic?

Yes, a lota or watering can is hygienic enough to be used as a bidet. If you own a lota or bidet watering can, it is critical to handle and preserve your lota properly to ensure the non-spread of germs. It would be best if you cleaned your lota which soap and water on a regular basis to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold. For effective cleanliness, use clean water and maintain appropriate personal hygiene practices by rinsing your lota every time you use it


Using a watering can as a makeshift bidet can provide a basic cleansing experience when a dedicated bidet is not available. By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively use a watering can for personal hygiene purposes. Remember to ensure the watering can is clean and designated solely for this purpose. Additionally, practicing good hygiene by cleaning the watering can after each use is essential.

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