How Do You Use a Bidet After Pooping?

How Do You Use a Bidet After Pooping? How to Do It Right

One popular way to use a bidet is after pooping because it is a hygienic and refreshing way to clean yourself and feel refreshed. However, not many people know how to go about the process. So the query of how do you use a bidet after pooping always pops up from new bidet users.

Without wasting much time, let’s jump right into it.

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Use a Bidet After Pooping

Below is a detailed yet simple step-by-step guide on how to use a bidet after popping.

Step 1: Dry Wipe Up First

After using your toilet, dry wipe your anus with the tissue first before using the bidet. Dry wiping first helps to remove any thick or hard faeces from your skin so that it will be easier for the bidet to clean you up. Thus, do this and discard the tissue.

Step 2: Locate the Bidet

After dry wiping, locate your bidet. There are different types of bidets; if you’re using a handheld bidet, you will find it hanging beside your toilet tank. If you’re using a standalone bidet, it comes as a separate fixture next to your toilet. For bidet seats and bidet attachment, it’s usually attached to your toilet seat.

Step 3: Position yourself

Position yourself on the bidet. If you’re using a standalone bidet, stand up from your toilet and sit on the bidet next to the toilet; because you’re washing your anus, you’ll be sitting your back to the water source/ faucet to help water reach your rear. For bidet seat or bidet attachment, there’s no need to stand up, remain sited on the toilet and sit comfortably. For a handheld bidet, reach for it and ensure you are comfortably seated, and your feet are placed firmly on the floor.

Step 4: Adjust the water temperature

Some bidet has temperature controls, while some bidets have a straightforward hot and cold water options. Thus, adjust the water temperature to your liking. If you have a bidet that doesn’t provide either temperature control or hot water, you have no other option than to use cold water like that.

Step 5: Activate the water

Every bidet comes with a water activator or an ‘on’ button. Look for the controls on the bidet or its remote. This can be in the form of buttons, knobs, or levers. Activate the water flow by pressing, turning, or pulling the appropriate control. Once you do this, the water will flow from the nozzle.

Step 6: Adjust the water pressure

When you are on a bidet or using a bidet, I recommend you start with a gentle water flow to avoid any discomfort in your private early. Once the water flows, gradually adjust the water pressure to a level that feels comfortable for you. You can increase or decrease the pressure using the controls provided in the bidet. Experiment with different pressure levels to find what works best for you.

Step 7: Clean yourself

If your bidet isn’t hitting the right area in your anus, you can adjust your sitting if possible. You can direct the water stream towards that area. Adjusting your sitting position is most common when using a standalone bidet, bidet attachment or bidet seat. If you’re using a handheld bidet, your sitting position shouldn’t be your concern, but the direction you hold your bidet. Thus target your handheld bidet towards the right direction.

Step 8: Using soap (optional)

Although this is not compulsory, you can use soap when using your bidet for extra cleanliness. I explained in-depth everything you need to know about using a soap with a bidet.

Step 9: Using your hand (optional)

This is also not mandatory, but you can choose to use your hand to make things quicker when using a bidet. Although this also depends on the type of bidet that you own.

Step 10: Dry yourself

After using the bidet, it’s recommended that you should dry yourself. You can use toilet paper or a dedicated bidet towel or cloth specifically for bidet use to dry yourself. Some bidets also have built-in air dryers that can be used to dry off. You do not need a tissue or bidet towel if you own a bidet seat or toilet combo with an air dryer.

Step 11: Clean up

If you’re using a standalone bidet, allow the water to run on the bowl to rinse out any debris. If you’re using a handheld bidet, you can rinse the head of the spray and return it on the stand. If you’re using a bidet attachment or bidet seat, there is no need to do anything. This type of bidet usually comes with a self-cleaning nozzle that cleans itself after every wash, but at the same time, it’s good to maintain hygiene by cleaning your bidet nozzle. Also, dispose of any used toilet paper properly and flush your toilet.

Step 12: Wash your hands

As with any bathroom activity, washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the bidet is important. And this includes whether or not you use your hand when washing with a bidet. This helps maintain proper hygiene and prevents the spread of germs.


That’s it! Following these steps will ensure a clean and refreshing experience when using a bidet after pooping. Remember, different bidet models, may have slight variations in operation, so it’s always a good idea to understand your bidet or consult the user manual if you’re unsure about any specific features or controls. In addition, if you want a deep guideline on using a bidet as a man, check out this step-by-step guide. For women; this guideline also explains it all.

1 thought on “How Do You Use a Bidet After Pooping? How to Do It Right”

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